Program Planning 2024
Program Planning Annual Review
Program Planning meetings occur on March 18, 2:00 pm at the League office and March 27, 6:30–7:30 pm virtually. All members are urged to attend and join the discussions.
Local League engagement begins in our grassroots program planning process. It is an opportunity for each member to have a direct role in determining which issues we study and which areas of action we focus on the next year. Members may recommend areas of new study (or concurrence) and weigh in on whether current state positions should remain as they are. The LWV Baltimore County board will review your recommendations and present its Recommended Program at the 2020 Annual Meeting in June.
If you cannot attend, please review the attached Position Statements, p 4, then fill out the review and mail or email to the League office by March 27 ([email protected]).
Please bring these materials with you to the meeting of your choice.
In this process we review the current positions and recommend retaining, updating or dropping positions. Are existing positions relevant today? Do you believe we should update or drop any of the current positions? What is missing from our positions?
League positions allow us to support or oppose issues before the County Council. We arrive at positions through a new study and consensus or through concurrence with existing local League positions or with positions developed by a resource committee. Where do you believe we need new positions? Should we arrive at them through consensus or concurrence with the position of another League.
We may also recommend advocacy initiatives and educational studies and meetings on timely topics as part of League Program.
Meeting Locations:
Monday, March 18, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
LWV Baltimore County Office
6600 York Road, Suite 211
Baltimore, MD 21212
Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 6:30 -7:30 pm
Zoom Meeting:
Please RSVP to Maggy Lindgren at the League office (410-377-8046) or [email protected]
The following planning document may also be downloaded here.
Deadline for Returning to the Office is March 27
Our board will consider your proposals using the following criteria:
- Does the League already have a position?
- Is government action needed? Or possible?
- Is the county the appropriate level of government to address the issue?
- Is the issue timely?
- Will League involvement make a unique impact?
- Is there member interest? Will it attract new members?
- Do we have people power to man the study?
- Does the title specify the focus of the study?
Definitions of Terms:
- Retain for Action - The position remains as is.
- Edit - Minor wording changes to improve clarity.
- Informational Update - Voter article or other researched information to members.
- Re-adopt - Continue current study.
- Drop/Delete - A new Study and Consensus is required to have the positions available for use.
- Concurrence - Agreement of the members on a specific position developed by another League or at League level.
*If you checked informational Update or Re-adopt Study, please elaborate as to focus and purpose.
Position |
Retain |
Edit |
Informational Update* |
Re-adopt Study |
Drop |
Notes |
Government |
County Government Charter |
Firearms Legislation |
Real Property Assessments and Taxation |
Transportation |
Natural Resources |
Land Use |
Sludge Management Utilization |
Solid Waste Management |
Source Reduction and Recycling |
Social Policy |
Alternatives to the War on Drugs |
Department of Aging |
Economic Development |
Education |
Quality of Education, Part 1 |
Quality of Education (Teaching, Part 11) |
Early Childhood Education |
The Principalship |
Safe Schools/ Safe Communities |
Charter Schools |
Selection of Board of Education Members |
Health Care |
Housing |
Human Relations Commission |
Job Retraining |
Meeting Basic Human Needs |
School Age Child Care |
Purpose: (What is the goal? Why does the issue warrant state positions? What is the scope or focus of the study?)
Outlook for Work: (What will the Study Committee do? What issues should be analyzed? What are the steps needed to complete the Study/Concurrence?)
LWV Baltimore County: Position Statements
The following position statements are summarized. Complete texts and the background for these positions are available at the League Office. These positions were last reviewed and updated in 2021.
County Government/Charter
ACTION to support the concept of charter government and measures to make it efficient, effective and responsible (1969)
ACTION to oppose a full time County Council (1969) and a full time Council Chairman 1974) Action to oppose the County Attorney serving as a legal advisor and advisor and legislative draftsman for both the County Council and the County Executive. (1976)
ACTION to support maintaining the present number (7) of County Council Districts (1992) (2002). ACTION to support retention of the position of People's Counsel (see Land Use Positions, 1992)
Firearms Legislation (1977)
ACTION to strengthen gun control law
Real Property Assessments and Taxation (1978)
ACTION to support continued use of the real property tax as a major source of revenue for Baltimore County
ACTION to support financing transportation and Action to support the role of Baltimore City Government
Land Use
ACTION to support a good system of planning and zoning
Sludge Management Utilization (1988) and/or disposal of sludge from wastewater treatment plants
ACTION to support legislation prohibiting, regulating or restricting discharge of pollutants into the sewer system or waters of Baltimore County by individuals, commerce or industry. (1982)
Solid Waste Management (1971)
ACTION to support improved solid waste management goals and practices in Baltimore County
ACTION to support increased financial aid for, and greater public awareness of, solid waste management problems (See Recycling)
Source Reduction and Recycling (1990)
ACTION to support emphasis on recycling and source reduction.
Alternatives to the War on Drugs (2005)
ACTION to support: continuation of present drug treatment programs focusing on treatment instead of incarceration on every level when evaluated for efficacy; focusing the Government’s budget mainly on education and treatment instead of enforcement and punishment; lengthening of drug treatment options to a year or longer; legalizing drugs with various degrees of regulation; decriminalizing drugs as a first step; allowing addicts to obtain their drugs from licensed medical professionals; sentencing adult dealers to prison and giving judges flexibility for first time offenders.
Department of Aging (1987)
ACTION to support programs, services, and personnel to meet the needs of Baltimore County Senior Citizens
Economic Development (1981)
ACTION to support economic development in Baltimore County through integrated planning, transportation, site selection assistance, loan guarantees, promotion and giving priority to the above order.
Edited and updated by Caroline Seamon and Judy Miller, 2019-2020
Affirmation of the following to be the purposes of public education:
- To prepare students to be responsible citizens and to understand and affirm the democratic values in our society
- To prepare students to be economically self-sufficient
- To prepare students to be life-long learners, appreciative of the arts, knowledgeable about technology and sensitive to cultural and individual differences
ACTION to support the following to ensure that BCPS students have well qualified teachers:
- Strengthening and extension of pre-service training and continued professional development
- Recognition and celebration of teachers of high quality
- Promotion and marketing of the teaching profession with students and the public
- Strengthening support services for new and experienced teachers (e.g. technology training, mentoring, etc.)
- Provision of diversity training that engenders respect for academic, socio-economic, and cultural differences among student and staff
- Provision of adequate staff to ensure that performance actually meets standards
ACTION to support the following measures in order to motivate accomplished persons to enter and remain in the teaching profession
- Salaries competitive with other professions
- Salary supplements for those with high performance ratings and those who achieve certification by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
- Exploration of possible incentives to encourage those in other professions to enter the teaching profession
ACTION to support budget priorities of staff, instructional materials and school maintenance including sabbaticals and professional conference attendance
ACTION to support the following programs that will ensure quality of teaching:
- Promotion of parent involvement in every school
- Promotion of interaction between parents and teachers
- Provision of training by BCPS that gives teachers a variety of strategies to reach and teach students from diverse backgrounds
- Provision of instructional aides in all schools
- Inclusion of all “stakeholders” in any and all education surveys
- Full funding of pre-school education
- Full coordination and cooperation between BCPS and DSS in improving the quality of day care programs
- Provision of teachers to provide remediation, acceleration and enrichment programs in elementary schools with high percentages of low achieving students
ACTION to support the following early childhood education initiatives:
- Provision by BCPS of parent education and assistance with pre-literacy enrichment activities to families with greatest need
- Provision by BCPS of Pre-K education for 4-year-olds from disadvantaged families and those with special needs with the ultimate goal of provision of pre-K for all children
- Full funding of pre-K and all-day kindergarten
Affirmation of the following principles:
- The principal’s role is key to a well-functioning school and sets the tone for its mission to successfully educate all students.
- The principal is the chief administrator of his/her school.
- The principal’s main responsibility is that of Instructional Leader
ACTION to support the following:
- Provision of discretionary funding allowing the principal to hire a person to supervise tasks which are not directly instructional in nature
- Urging BCPS to expand its training program for potential principals to include all requirements necessary to become a full principal and to require part of that training to be in “challenging” schools with an emphasis on human relations.
- Encouraging BCPS to create a mechanism for teachers to evaluate the principal
ACTION to support principal evaluation procedures which include appropriate input by teachers and parents
ACTION to support
- Increased and enhanced before and after-school programs
- Increased cooperation between BCPS and other government agencies dealing with the welfare of children
- Provision of funding to maintain safe schools and safe communities
The League of Women Voters of Baltimore County neither supports nor opposes Charter Schools but does support specific criteria which should be implemented should Charter Schools be permitted in Baltimore County.
DEFINITION: Charter Schools are public schools, non-profit and non-sectarian, which offer alternative approaches to education and are exempted from certain rules and regulations except those related to health, safety, civil rights, special education, criminal background check and financial disclosure in exchange for accountability after a specified length of time. Common characteristics are: small size, (usually fewer than 300 students; relative degree of autonomy over decisions regarding curriculum, staffing, and budget; significant parent involvement; and innovative programs.
- Parents, teachers, institutions of higher education, community agencies and existing public schools should be free to apply to form charter schools. However, Boards of Trustees of Charter Schools may hire for-profit companies for specific services (e.g. tutoring, accounting, janitorial help).
- Federal moneys, foundation, businesses and other agencies can supply start-up funds. For operating expenses, customary funding from local, state and federal sources should flow to charter schools.
- State certification for the majority of the teachers is important. Strengthening the certification process for charter school teachers as well as for other public school teachers, along with continuous staff development, is recommended.
- Charter School Contracts should be reviewed frequently (e.g. one year, followed by contracts for three to five years).
- Students desiring to attend should be admitted using a lottery system.
- Students should take the tests customarily given in Maryland. After three years the charter school itself should be held accountable for student success based on its curriculum plan.
- Charter schools should be open to non-intrusive visits from citizens who have scheduled appointments.
- There should be open disclosure of finances including annual audits which are reported to education boards and the public.
- The State Board should not limit the number of charter schools.
- All governing and advisory boards and councils for charter schools should include lay citizens.
- Transportation of students to charter schools should be addressed including transportation for homeless students.
- Accountability is crucial for the success of charter schools.
- Monitoring by local and state boards or by entities appointed by these boards is essential.
ACTION to support adequate community resources
ACTION to support the LWVUS position of equal opportunity for all, with emphasis on housing for low- and moderate-income families (1968)
ACTION to support the local League Land Use position of affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income families and individuals throughout Baltimore County near centers of employment, public transportation, and community-based support services, and where appropriate, in existing dwelling (1991)
ACTION to support the LWVUS position of equal opportunity for all, with emphasis on housing for low- and moderate-income families (1968)
ACTION to support the local League Land Use position of affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income families and individuals throughout Baltimore County near centers of employment, public transportation, and community-based support services, and where appropriate, in existing dwelling (1991)
ACTION to support the Basic Human Needs position of increasing the current local supplement for all assistance recipients who currently receive a supplement; creation of additional shelters through funding support by the county, but operation of shelters by private, non-profit groups (1988)
ACTION to support a strong Commission under our national human relations position of equal rights for all
JOB RETRAINING (1984, 1990)
ACTION to support retraining of dislocated workers which should be planned for in advance and occur on an ongoing basis.
ACTION to support increasing the current local supplement for all assistance recipients who currently receive a supplement; creation of additional shelters through funding support by the County, but operation of shelters by private, non-profit groups.
SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE (SACC) (1985, 1990, 1992)
ACTION to support assumption by Baltimore County of the role of Facilitator for a diverse range of SACC services, including regulation, child care information and referral, planning, training and technical assistance; designation of SACC services as second in priority for use of school facilities; assumption of funding for SACC programs by parents and business community with government involved only for low income families on a sliding scale.