Get Involved

Get Involved

LWV of Baltimore County needs you!

Baltimore County is our home. 

As a League we attend County Council and School Board meetings, advocate for fair representation and elections, offer timely unbiased issue education for citizens, and, using, we create and share candidate information at election time. LWV members receive a monthly newsletter, The Voter, our annual Handbook and Directory, consensus information, election informational pamphlets and timely email communications. Members  provide input and guidance on League policy positions, serve on committees, elect Board members, and receive invitations to special events such as our book club, forums, speakers, holiday luncheon and annual meeting. Membership dues provide membership to LWVUS, LWVMD, and LWV Baltimore County. Dues support our advocacy, general operation expenses and call-to-action expenses.

We invite you to join LWV. Membership is open to everyone over 16 years of age. We believe that diversity benefits us all, and we work to include all gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability.  Use the Join/Renew tab to become a member.

  • Full-time Students over 16: FREE (Please call the office to join.)
  • Individual: $60
  • Household: $100

If you don’t want to commit to membership yet, please consider one of these opportunities.

  • Volunteer in a committee, project, or events.
  • Request a call to learn more.
  • Register for our supporter emails.
  • Donate to our mission.

The League of Women Voters of Baltimore County, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization, which means that any money received for either donations or membership is tax-deductible for the donor as allowed by law.