January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
The legislative session is in full swing! These past two weeks our advocacy teams have been busy tracking and drafting testimony. Below are the bills for which we have submitted written testimony for. Click on the links and they will take you to our written testimony.
House Bills:
HB 265 General Assembly – Special Election to Fill a Vacancy in Office
HB 222 Value My Vote Act
HB 398 - Time Off for Employee Voting
HB 133 State Finance and Procurement - Appropriation Reductions (Board of Public Works Budget Reduction Clarification Act)
HB 165 – Maryland Estate Tax – Unified Credit
HB0215 - Carried Interest – Additional Tax
HB0201 – Income Tax Rates – Capital Gains Income
Senate Bills:
SB 178 - Public Information Act - Personnel Records - Investigations of Law Enforcement Officers (Anton's Law)
SB 199 Maryland Transit Administration - Funding (Transit Safety and Investment Act)
Want to see what LWVMD has advocated for in the past? Check out our testimony page. We will be updating this weekly during the 2021 session!
We look forward to keeping you in the loop about what's happening in Annapolis this year! Also consider following us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with events, action alerts, and other important information as it happens.