February 12, 2021
Below are the bills for which LWVMD has submitted written testimony for. Click on the links and they will take you to our written testimony.
House Bills:
HB 485 Public-Private Partnerships – Process and Oversight
HB 344 Open Meetings Act - Requirements for State Agencies and Local Boards of Elections (Maryland Transparency Act of 2021)
HB 583 Climate Solutions Act Now
HB 183 Public Information Act – Revisions (Equitable Access to Records Act)
HB 334 Maryland Transit Administration – Conversion to Zero-Emissions Buses (Zero-Emissions Bus Transition Act)
HB 67 I-495 and I-270 Public-Private Partnership – Partnership Agreement – Requirements (Maryland State Department of Transportation Promises Act of 2021)
HB 764 Education - Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today Program - Established and Mandated Funding
Want to see what LWVMD has advocated for in the past? Check out our testimony page. We will be updating this weekly during the 2021 session!
We look forward to keeping you in the loop about what's happening in Annapolis this year! Also consider following us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with events, action alerts, and other important information as it happens.