Committee Chairs

We can use your skills!

Below you’ll find a list of committee chairs and their contact information.  If you have an idea or talent that isn’t listed, please let us know.  We can find a role that meets your availability and interests.  

If you have questions about volunteer opportunities, please email our Membership Chair, Ericka McDonald ([email protected]) to set up a meeting either via Zoom or a phone call. And please fill out the brief volunteer survey form on our website. 

Executive Committee

Co-President   Camille Wheeler (19-21), [email protected]

Co-President   Tana Stevenson (20-21), [email protected]

1st VP             Eileen Robier (20-21), [email protected]

2nd VP             Barbara Crain (20-22), [email protected]

Secretary         Judith Schagrin (20-21), [email protected]

Treasurer         Neilson Andrews (20-22), [email protected]


Office Staff – Maggy Lindgren [email protected]

Advocacy & Observer Corps – Betsy Sexton, [email protected]

Education Issues in Baltimore County - Camille Marx, [email protected]

Board of Education observation corps - vacancy

Baltimore County Social Studies coalition - Carol Wynne, [email protected]

Food Insecurity – Laurie Taylor Mitchell, [email protected]

County Council Monitoring – Betsy Sexton, [email protected], Carol Wynne, [email protected], Judith Schagrin, [email protected]

Healthcare - Carol Wynne, [email protected].  Neilson Andrews, [email protected]

Land Use – Ralph Rigger,[email protected]

Studies and Consensus - Betsy Sexton, [email protected]

Transportation - Phyllis Panopoulos, [email protected]

Finance and Budget

Treasurer – Neilson Andrews, [email protected]

Investments – Carol Allen, [email protected]

Fundraising and Communications

Communications - Chair vacancy

Emails – Sharalyn Luciani, [email protected]

Facebook, Social Media –  vacancy

Handbooks and Publications – Sharalyn Luciani [email protected],  Neilson Andrews,  [email protected]

Newsletters – Stacey Morrison, [email protected]

Website – Sharalyn Luciani, [email protected]

Fundraising - vacancy

Jessica Goldberg Endowment Directors

Camille Wheeler/Tana Hamilton

Neilson Andrews

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