April 2024 Bulletin

Election season is always a busy time for our League. Discover what we are accomplishing.

Our Nonpartisan Election Resource

Our print Voter’s Guide contains candidate information and is available at libraries and several other community locations. All members should have received their own copy. You can also go online to personalize and print your own ballot using www.vote411.org.  We thank Barbara Crain and her committee for their diligence in producing another helpful Voter's Guide.

Visit our Voter Resources page for more detailed information.

Important Primary Election Dates

  • Tuesday, May 7, 2024: If you want to receive your ballot by mail or fax, your request must be received by then. (Not just mailed.)
  • Friday, May 10, 2024: Deadline to Request an Electronic Mail in Ballot. (Online request form)
  • Thursday, May 2, 2024 through Thursday, May 9, 2024 Early Voting from 7 am to 8 pm. including Saturday and Sunday  Early Voting Locations are listed here.
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024: Presidential Primary Election Day


Reviving LWVBCo Facebook

We recently began reconnecting with our Facebook page and the public. Our first post included photos of our recent poll evaluator training. Poll evaluators are trained by the Maryland Board of Elections (BOE) to visit random polling locations on election day to evaluate sites as required by law.  

Also posted are several creative videos created by LWVMD promoting the Voter’s Guide and Vote411.org. Please follow our FB page (League of Women Voters of Baltimore County) and share those with your friends and family. These videos are fun!

We need your help especially if you are a FB or Instagram user. If you can assist in gathering info for social media, please contact Tenniola or Sharalyn. We encourage everyone to share our information with groups you belong to or follow.

Annual Meeting is on the Calendar- June 22

Each year we set aside a day to recognize our efforts, celebrate our successes, and renew our enthusiasm for our mission. Annual Meeting details and tickets will be available soon on our website. We’ve recruited Linda Dorsey Walker to speak on a referendum to amend the County Charter by adding County Council members to fully represent Baltimore County’s growing diverse population. You can find more information on this work at https://vote4more.org/.2024_annual_meeting_compressed.png

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