2024 Annual Meeting Workbook
LWV Baltimore County Annual Meeting is June 22, 12-2:30.
Come meet your league in person, share ideas, recognize LWV accomplishments, vote on agenda and programming items, enjoy lunch, become informed about VOTE4MORE.org, and have a pleasant afternoon with friends old and new.
This emails contains our 2024 Annual Meeting Workbook, which is also posted on our website, https://www.lwvbaltimorecounty.org/member_resources. Please take time to read the workbook; it reviews everything that has involved and influenced our league, meetings, initiatives, advocacy and budget. It will also prepare you for attending and voting on June 22.
You may purchase luncheon tickets using PayPal or credit card via our website, https://www.lwvbaltimorecounty.org/2024_annual_meeting. If you are paying by check, use our mail-in form. Make the check payable to LWV Baltimore County. Include your name and number attending, then mail to our office, 6600 York Road, Suite 211, Baltimore, MD 21212. Please keep in mind the ticket deadline is June 13.
For more information, please contact our office. We hope to see you on June 22!