2021 Holiday Luncheon

Enjoy this holiday season with league friends.

When: Saturday, December 4, 2021 – Noon to 2:00 pm.

Where: Lutherville-Timonium, Home of Tana Stevenson

What: Box lunch and conversation with Baltimore County Orphans’ Court Judges and the Register of Wills, discussing the role of the Orphan's Court and Register of Wills in Maryland.

William R. Evans, Chief Judge

Juliet G. Fisher, Associate Judge

Arthur M. Frank, Associate Judge

Alexis Burrell-Rohde, Register of Wills for Baltimore County

How: Tickets $20. Lunch choices include fruit, dessert, and drink.

Registration deadline: Nov. 24, 2021. 

We hope you will join us! See below for tickets.


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December 04, 2021 at 12:00pm - 2pm